The workplace of the future requires a different approach

But you know that. That’s why you’re here. You understand:
  • The key ingredient to effectiveness is trust
  • Productivity and trust must co-exist
  • Power lies at the team level
  • Every team member has a role to play in creating culture
  • A sense of belonging is critical to retention
And investing in the development of your people is no longer an option.

59% of employees say professional development opportunities are key to improving company culture.

Source: 2022 LinkedIn Global Talent Trends Survey

How do you make the world of work more equitable, dynamic, and fulfilling—without wasting time and resources on another impractical, boring, cookie-cutter leadership development lecture?

We’re so glad you asked.

At Kirke Leadership Inc, we envision a day when empathy, inclusion, adaptability, and creativity are leadership norms.

Here’s how we stick to our mission while providing exceptional value for every organization and individual who crosses our path.

First and foremost, we cultivate an inclusive space where every employee can express themself with honesty and clarity. We lead with kindness while helping participants be respectful and empathetic of others.
Working with us is a partnership. Think of us as an extension of your team, entrenched in your day-to-day, cultivating a long-lasting relationship that deepens value and results.
Innovation & Creativity
Innovation and creativity are encouraged and cultivated with opportunities to expand your mind and business boundaries. When participants know there are no “bad” ideas, they produce exceptional results with a positive human impact.
Results-Driven & Experiential
As a results-driven enterprise—we know the key to long-term effectiveness is to move from measuring output to measuring outcomes. All programs are experiential and include learnings, tools, and resources participants can put into action immediately.
Adaptable & Customizable
Context sets the stage for success or failure. We take the time to understand what makes your workplace tick, what you want to achieve, and what’s holding you back—and then customize a program based on real-world challenges you’d like to solve.

Hi, Joanna here.

As the multi-award winning CEO and Leadership Development Parter to multiple organizations across the globe, I'm proud to have created a company of expert facilitators and coaches who are customer-centered and who create safe spaces for busy professionals to learn the key tools and practices needed for the future of work. Our work is fresh, valuable, fun, engaging and leading-edge.

I’m a facilitator, internationally certified executive coach, program architect, speaker, and visionary—dedicated to helping leaders understand their impact and use it for good. Having done this for 25+ years, I know what excellent client partnership looks like and I only hire those who are at the top of their game. I have worked for 7+ training companies and learned the very best practices, tools, certifications, as well as the needs of hundreds of companies.

One of the things I learned through this exposure was that many training and consulting companies don't practice what they preach. They may speak to inclusion or innovation, but not apply it in-house. We walk the talk and we use all the tools and strategies to make sure that we model the way in everything we do. My team is empowered to be at their best and in turn, they always empower our participants to find their own power.

Since starting the company in 2014, I remember the day I stepped into my own power like it was yesterday. My team members were asked to use one word to describe me.

Their answer: powerful.

I was shocked. Powerful was the last word on my mind after being told early in my career that I needed to wear glasses to “look smarter,” and a masculine suit to “make it” in the business world. I assumed power meant more about the title, but then learned it was all about the influence.

Being underestimated in the past lit a fire under me to work even harder at my craft and at being my authentic self.

Now, I help others step into their own power.

Along the way, I’ve also realized people in positions of influence can (and do) profoundly impact lives.

I’ve seen it in my work with all 5 of Canada’s big banks, in my ten years as an HR executive navigating the boom and bust of the high tech and financial services industry, and in my countless hours spent coaching thousands of leaders on how to best empower themselves and their people. Whether through...

  • Large-scale global change initiatives for high-growth, fast-paced organizations
  • Transforming cultures to drive greater innovation and human-centered approaches
  • Designing and delivering experiential development programs that equip leaders and empower teams to bring us into the workplace of the future
  • Organizational restructuring and design
  • Or, building inclusive attraction and retention strategies

I’ve been in the trenches, led teams to success, and deeply understand our clients’ modern workplace challenges.

Joanna Kirke

Joanna’s nurturing personality was very helpful for our organization where sometimes these [leadership development] sessions can be really intimidating. She built confidence in our leaders and made us have conversations we never would have had.

Reygan Hale

A few extra things you should know about us.

We put our client partners and the participants of our workshops and coaching at the center of everything we do
We love to travel and learn about different cultures. Many of us are bilingual in English and French.
We put our client partners and the participants of our workshops and coaching at the center of everything we do
Collectively we have over 200 years of experience in building leaders across the globe.
We put our client partners and the participants of our workshops and coaching at the center of everything we do
We are a team of expert facilitators and coaches with business backgrounds and a passion for mindfulness. We incorporate emotional intelligence and inclusive practices in everything we do.
We put our client partners and the participants of our workshops and coaching at the center of everything we do

Assessments & Tools

Meet The Team

Amélie de Spot

Senior Consultant - Innovation and Change Bilingual Facilitator & Coach

Amélie de Spot

Senior Consultant - Innovation and Change Bilingual Facilitator & Coach

Amélie, is a bilingual (French and English) Certified Change Practitioner (Prosci), certified Learning & Development Specialist, certified LUMA Design Thinking Facilitator, Trainer and Coach. She is committed to driving lasting change and facilitating the ongoing development of individuals and teams, with a focus on business growth and delivering strategic business objectives to make organizations sustainably successful. Amélie's training sessions are known to combine strategy with personal experience, war stories, high energy, deep entrepreneurial leadership and business savviness. She brings 20+ years of business experience across all industries, in companies such as BNP Paribas, Jones Lang Lasalle, L'Oreal and Manulife. She lives in Brussels and is passionate about hiking, tennis, concerts, and her four children.

Dan Buchner

Senior Consultant - Innovation and Leadership - Facilitator and Coach

Dan Buchner

Senior Consultant - Innovation and Leadership - Facilitator and Coach

Dan Buchner is an award-winning designer, leadership facilitator, educator, and author. He draws on his practical experiences in business and life to shift thinking, transform perspectives, and inspire action. Dan brings the practice of Design Thinking to the intersection of innovation, leadership and organizational change. Dan has held leadership positions at Moen Inc., Continuum Innovation, The Center for Creative Leadership and Banff Centre for Creativity. His Design Thinking journey began decades ago in Canada and has taken him to 35 countries around the globe.

James van der Westhuizen

Senior Consultant Innovation and Change - Bilingual Facilitator & Coach

James van der Westhuizen

Senior Consultant Innovation and Change - Bilingual Facilitator & Coach

James is a bilingual (English and French) innovation and change expert with over 20 years experience in business and cultivating cultures of human-centred strategies and approaches. With a Master in Psychology and years of business consulting and Human Resources expertise, James understands the critical competency of empathizing with the end-user and creating products and services that are desirable to the customer. His consulting and business expertise spans across industries - in particular several large financial institutions, high technology, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, and mining.

Qayyum (Q) Rajan

CFA, Fractional COO

Qayyum (Q) Rajan

CFA, Fractional COO

Q sits at the intersection of finance and technology, as an avid economist, data scientist, and technology executive. We are fortunate to have Q leading our operations and ensuring the business continues to run sustainably, as we have done for 10+ years.

He began his career in banking, portfolio management and investment funds before entering the programming and data science world. He was then bitten by the entrepreneurship bug and went on to co-found a global fintech company which focused on automating securities issuance using blockchain technology.

Kristen Harcourt

CPCC, PCC, Executive Coach & Leadership Facilitator

Kristen Harcourt

CPCC, PCC, Executive Coach & Leadership Facilitator

For over a decade, Kristen has helped executives and emerging leaders worldwide achieve extraordinary and sustainable results through increased self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness.

She’s an in-demand speaker and facilitator and an accredited coach who empowers leaders to become more aware of their strengths, blind spots, values, and purpose—so they can build lives and organizations of success, sustainability, and health.

Jamelle Lindo

CTP, ACC, Executive Coach & Leadership Facilitator

Jamelle Lindo

CTP, ACC, Executive Coach & Leadership Facilitator

Jamelle is a certified emotional intelligence coach, trainer, and speaker with 11+ years of experience in learning and development. Over the past decade, he’s coached, trained, and spoken to thousands of business leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs across Canada at various conferences, corporate workshops, and coaching sessions.

Jamelle is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, an invitation-only organization for successful business coaches. He’s been featured on multiple times for his thought leadership and expert opinions.

Véronique Pigeon

CPCC, PCC Bilingual Executive Coach and Leadership Facilitator

Véronique Pigeon

CPCC, PCC Bilingual Executive Coach and Leadership Facilitator

Véronique, CPCC, PCC is a bilingual (French and English) Professional Certified Coach specializing in Leadership Development and Emotional Intelligence. She delivers coaching, training and workshops to executives, managers, high potential leaders and individuals. Her passion is to inspire her clients to boldly enhance their most authentic and courageous self. She brings many years of business experience and shares stories with her participants from her HR and corporate communications roles in companies such as Bell, McKesson, Hewlett-Packard and Pfizer. She lives in Montéal and is passionate about skating, nature, music, and her two children.

Ciaran Irwin

Production Manager

Ciaran Irwin

Production Manager

Ciaran is an expert in creating seamless, highly engaging workshops experiences in the virtual world. His passion for bringing people together in connected and inclusive ways across the globe began at Amazon where he worked as a trainer and advisor for remote working teams. He has since worked across tech, telecommunications, non-profit organizations, social enterprises and academia. He blends a passion for systems thinking and creative decision-making with a technical skillset in virtual production to effectively research and design programs in the space of leadership.

Basho Fujimoto

Executive Coach & Facilitator

Basho Fujimoto

Executive Coach & Facilitator

Basho is passionate about getting people to where they want to go in life with embodied practices, heightened communication styles and personal insight tools. His coaching experience working with executives, and professionals in high pressure jobs has contributed to lowering their stress levels and creating a more well rounded, purposeful life full of authenticity, freedom and health. For the past 20 years, Basho has worked in the health and wellness industry as an instructor, program designer, and transformational life coach leading people on programs around the world on journeys of self improvement, self mastery and discovery. He’s dedicated to inspiring people to find their own path of balance, health and clarity which directly translates into a more meaningful personal, creative, spiritual and balanced professional life.

Farrah Kyle


Farrah Kyle


Farrah brings a world of experience in Client Partnership, Operations, Communications, Production, Social Media and other critical elements of business to ensure our company runs smoothly and that our clients are extremely happy. Her core values are:  Human Rights, Animal Welfare, and Environmental Sustainability which keeps the team acting in the best interests of all 3.

We partner with organizations that want to attract and retain the brightest people and build their leadership capabilities through unique and transformative experiences.

Get in Touch

The KLI Advantage

Kirke Leadership Inc. (KLI) offers our services in flexible ways to ensure the best experience for all participants. You want us to join you at your company offsite? - we are right there with you. You want to provide a workshop to leaders in different cities at the same time? - we can do that too! We are experts at leveraging the virtual space while using the best collaboration tools and expert facilitation that wows our participants.

In today's hybrid work environment, the virtual space offers global access, greater equity, and a collaborative workspace that brings people together anywhere and at any time.
Being online allows us to be a leader in creating positive change in a more flexible work setting. Virtual learning also reduces barriers, allows more people to attend, decreases travel expenses, and reduces everyone's carbon footprint.

Plus, with Kirke Leadership's excellent facilitation skills and software like ExperiencePoint, operating virtually no longer means losing out on engagement or participation.

We are flexible, agile and can help you decide which way to go to ensure an impactful experience is had by all.

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  • Deep insights on global talent trends
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